Written by Thomas Stainer who likes to develop software for applications mainly in maths and physics, but also to solve everyday problems. Check out my GitHub page here.
Monty Hall meets Monte Carlomonte carloprobabilitymathsmonty hall
30 April, 2022We’ve all heard the famous Monty Hall problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem), or at least, some variation of this. You…
A short post on mortgages and loan calculationsmortgageloanfinance
30 April, 2022I always get annoyed when finacial products are sold to you without any explaination of how they come to these magical numbers. When you…
Prime unitsphysicsunits
26 February, 2022Some ideas on a simple and elegant way to handle physical units and dimensionality when writing physics related software. I am yet to see a…
Englishman in Belgiumbelgiumenglish
07 January, 2022I don’t drink coffee I take tea my dear… You know how the song goes. Well I am not an Englishman in New York, I am in fact an Englishman in…
The epic software controlling an accelerator near yousoftwarephysics
07 October, 2021If you have ever built a particle accelerator before chances are you will know what EPICS is. If, however, like most people, you have not…
Birthday Monte Carlocode
03 August, 2021Every so often the birthday problem comes up, whether it be in conversation, at a party, in the media, or overhearing on the train, I have…
Raspberry mathsrasberrypicost
25 May, 2021I love raspberries but they are certainly not cheap. While it is not sustainable for me to eat them everyday, the occasional punnet is a…
Pypact IphysicsfispactFISPACT-II
27 March, 2021I’d like to finally spend some time talking about one of my ongoing side projects - pypact. Whilst I have recently been pursuing a variety…
A Quantum Leap into HRHR
23 March, 2021Below is a write up I did when I first started working for a HR start-up, which follows from my previous post. I thought my view on the…
My brief moment in HRtalkvideoHR
20 March, 2021And now for something completely different. After spending a lot of my career in physics and mathematics, I thought why not try my hand at…
I don't like ifssoftwareSOLIDprogrammingconditional
13 January, 2021The statement is fundamental to programming, a core tool in the arsenal of any developer existing today. Hell, I cannot even think of a…
Committed to commitgitcommitgithubfuture
07 March, 2020I recently heard that prospective employers and recruiters have started looking at the GitHub commit panel (the green coloured squares on…
How to be a SOLID programmerSOLIDprinciplessoftware designC++
31 January, 2020First entry of 2020 and it’s a very lazy one. But it points to non lazy content. A few slides and extensive examples (in C++) on SOLID…
Physics is like...Feynmananalogies
11 December, 2019Physicists like analogies. It is a way to bridge the gap in knowledge, not only between those with ample background and those without, but…
Matplotlibing itmatplotlibplottingpythonROOT
17 November, 2019When it comes to plotting with python Matplotlib is the de facto library and I must admit that I am an avid user of it. I wouldn’t call…
Linked list in Fortranfortranlinked listdata structures
17 October, 2019Whilst I enjoy programming in Python and C++, it is envitable that I have to do some development work with Fortran for time to time. The…
List of tuples to two listspythontuplelistone liner
15 October, 2019This is hands down my most useful python one liner, and I am embarrassed to say I have frequented the same Stack Overflow entry too many…
A refreshers guide to getting a Glastonbury ticketglastonburyticketsbotrefreshinatorfestivalselenium
06 October, 2019Today is the one day a year when it seems perfectly normal to wake up early on a Sunday morning, boot up all available devices in your…
Refactor, Rewrite, or Retire?refactorrewritelegacynetscapegeant
18 September, 2019I recently gave a talk at the Fourth Conference of Research Software Engineering (RSEConUK 2019) regarding options when dealing with legacy…
Killer commute revisitedcommutegoogleAPIpython
05 September, 2019Back in March 2019, I posted a small entry on using Google directions APIs to determine the optimal commute time to and from work. The…
Random walk on a cubelinear algebra
31 May, 2019Another interesting question I was was once asked in an interview situation, and one that has always stuck with me (it was about 8 years ago…
When a line meets a planegeometryplaneanglelinevector
20 April, 2019This was always a nice problem to solve involving vectors and linear algebra. Given two points dictating the line and three points defining…
A great age and number too24string theoryRamanujanprime number
27 March, 2019This post is about the number 24, my favourite number. Why? Well, not only was it a great age to be, it is also mathematically interesting…
Killer commutecommutegoogleAPIpython
23 March, 2019Nobody likes traffic and congestion, especially me. My daily commute to work is a beast (small exaggeration). If I haven’t left for work…
Time for anglesmathsclockangle
04 March, 2019I was once asked in an interview to calculate the angle between the minute and hour hands on a clock for the time 16:34. This was tricky to…
Mac your mac feel like new(ish)macSSD
21 February, 2019Has your Mac become noticeably slower than when it was a shiny new machine fresh out of the box? Does switching it on feel like a steam…
Grossed outtaxincomeaccounting
09 February, 2019In the UK we rarely speak about salaries, but in the situation when you’re negotiating a salary for a new role or a possible promotion, the…
The quadratic equationquadraticGCSE maths
23 January, 2019The first mathematics related post, let’s keep it simple. Here we are going back to GCSE days. During my academic life I’ve dabbled in…
Reignite my blogging passionfatmontyphysicstomblog
19 January, 2019My old blog fat monty, has been long retired and I felt a strong impetus to start a fresh reincarnation of it. So here I am again - new name…